Friday 28 December 2012

Learning French for Beginners Should Include Lots of Practice

Don't underestimate the challenge of learning french for beginners. It may not take too long to be able to say hello and goodbye, but if you want to be able to communicate anything useful, it is going to take practice. Repetition is the key to remembering new words and phrases.

 At first you will be mentally translating all your words from English to French. But with enough practice, you will start to skip the mental translation process, and you'll be able to speak or respond fluently in basic situations. It's a good idea to listen to French radio or watch French television shows, if they are available. Even if you don't understand ninety percent of what is said, just hearing French will get you familiar with the cadence and tones of the language. A new language always sounds like undifferentiated gibberish in the beginning, but the more you listen to it the more you will pick out separate words.

Monday 24 December 2012

French Christmas Poem

Viendras-tu par la cheminée?
Père Noël , viendras-tu par la cheminée
Father Christmas, will you come by the chimney

Pour déposer dans mes doux souliers
To leave in my slippers

Quelques surprises, quelques jouets
Few surprises, few toys

Quand les flocons blancs tourbillonneront dans le ciel
When the white flakes whirl in the sky

Et quand le sapin resplendira de lumières
And when the Christmas tree with its lights will glitter

Alors je serais que c'est le moment
Then I would know that it is the moment

D'aller m'endormir dans un lit douillet
to fall asleep in a cosy bed

Et bien sur quand je me réveillerai
And of course when I awake

Je trouverai dans mes souliers quelques jouets
I will find in my slippers some toys

Wednesday 19 December 2012

Impress Your Friends With Your French Language Skills

As the world becomes a smaller place and people cutting across different demographics and cultures come together across various walks of life, learning a new language can be an extremely utilitarian and exhilarating experience. There was a time when knowing different languages was only reserved for those who had a passion for it and these people also basked in the glory of their knowledge. Over the course of modern times, learning French language often became a hobby for some and a requisite for others. While it is true that people get compelled to learn a new language only when they have a passion or are required to do so, yet it is also a fact that mastering French language skills can be a fun experience.
We live in a global village today where travelling to foreign countries, having friends from various demographics and also blending in various cultures into our lifestyle to make it even more happening are not considered exceptions but an instance of the paradigm shift towards being a citizen of the world. Very few people would have no friends from France and very few people would not wish to explore France during Christmas. It is not that people in France do not know English but it certainly helps when you know the French language.

Consider a scenario where you are hosting a few friends at a Christmas party or are about to meet your French friends at a gathering. It will be an amazing idea to impress them with your French language skills. Albeit you do not need to get a Masters in French literature but knowing how to speak, listen to and correspond can be thrilling enough.

If you are visiting France anytime soon, for Christmas or for some other reason, knowing the French language would be immensely helpful. When in Paris, you would perhaps find most people being able to speak and correspond in English but as you go farther from Paris and explore the country sides, small towns and villages, you would need the help of your French language skills. Foreign tourists in France were predominantly restricted to Paris but the real picturesque France and the true essence of French culture can be best experienced when you hit the road and explore the small towns and remote areas.
French language is also one of the sweetest languages in the world and learning it can be a very fulfilling experience.

Saturday 15 December 2012

Noël - Noël

 La Crèche
    La Boule                                   La Chaussette
Le Père Noël

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Why Children of All Abilities are Entitled to Learn a Foreign Language

Most good educators believe that every person is able to learn. Some are better at learning one subject and not another while some have a very easy time learning and others have a very difficult time learning. The students that have a difficult time learning the core material are sometimes excused from learning a second language to try and stop any undue stress on the student. While many educators believe this theory or protocol is correct and in the best interest of the child it is important to know that learning a second language can improve many different skills and should be offered to all students no matter the student’s ability.

There are a number of different reasons to learn a second language. One major reason is for employability purposes. It is true that English has become somewhat of a global language, but many people are not comfortable speaking English to a native English speaker. Surprisingly enough four-fifths of the world’s population does not speak English. It is for this reason that many employers have begun to look for employees that are able to speak more than one language. If a student with a lower ability to learn is not taught a second language they are given yet one more hurdle to overcome. 

Another great reason to teach a second language to all students is to increase their global understanding and awareness. No matter what the learning ability of a student they should be aware of different cultures to encourage understanding of differences, thus increasing their multicultural awareness. Most second language classes teach not only the language, but the customs as well. It is this part of the class that will increase tolerance and understanding of people’s differences.
Another great reason all students should learn a foreign language is to increase their understanding of the English language. Studies have shown that learning a second language helps students learn about language in general. The language skills that are taught in their second language classes carry over into their native language. Students that are taught a second language normally have a stronger vocabulary and have even been known to earn higher reading achievements.
Although learning can be difficult for some students it should never be an option to not learn or be taught a second language. Learning a second language can only help a struggling student by increasing their vocabulary and their overall knowledge of their native language. 



Monday 26 November 2012

How Popular is the French Language?

When people consider learning a second language, one that pops up more often than others is the French language. Not only is French one of the popular romance languages, which also includes Spanish and Italian, but it is extremely pleasing to the ear when spoken. People all over the world love to hear it spoken aloud, and from high schools to universities, French is offered and taught to thousands of students each year. Adults who decide to learn a second language often choose French because of its pleasant phonetic sounds, but are there other reasons that people decide to learn it? From business to pleasure and beyond, there are many reasons why millions of people all over the world have chosen to learn the language of love.

Nearly eighty million people in the world speak French, and it is among the most popular modern languages spoken today. Not only is the French language spoken throughout Europe, but it also widely spoken throughout Canada and even in some places in the U.S. (such as New Orleans, where the French language gave birth to the Creole culture). Nearly thirty countries all over the world have chosen French as their official language, as have over a dozen dependent territories, so it is easy to see that it is not only beloved in its native land, but around the globe as well. This is probably why so many people choose it as their second language—it is well-known in many places, and it is a very useful language to know when traveling. People who become fluent in French have a definite advantage because it is more of a universal language than an obscure one. If they become lost while abroad, the chances that they will find someone who speaks French in order to ask them for help is much better than it would be of finding someone who speaks Mandarin or Japanese.

The French language is also one of the fast-growing business languages in the world. French is becoming more popular in America along the Canadian border as Americans look to their neighbors in the north for employment. Nearly a quarter of the Canadian populace speaks French, and this would be a definite advantage to anyone traveling there for the purpose of finding a job. From fun to business and so much more, the French language is one of the most popular in the world, with more and more people learning the language of love each and every day.


Tuesday 20 November 2012

Learn French Old-School Style

The easiest way to learn any new language is to immerse yourself in it. Surrounding yourself in a situation where others around and you yourself included, are all speaking French would be the easiest and fasted way to learn the new language. Taking the day to day tasks that you are used to doing and putting the French words with these things is going to help your mind make the transitions with the new language skills you are introducing to your brain.
If you have favorite songs, you can translate them online into any language and learn to sing them in the language that you are learning. This is a great way of memorizing the words for things, to help you associate and remember. By singing songs in groups, you can also help each other when someone forgets a word here and there. Also, by making this sort of a game, it will be a fun learning experience.
Whenever something is fun, it is always easier to do. Try playing board games that are in the language you are attempting to learn. Monopoly, Life and other games are a great way to get with others and play in the language you are learning. Make all the conversations be in French and before you realize it, you will all be conversing in the new language This works with adults and with children. Families can do this and make learning fun for the kids and encourage them to learn about the world around them at the same time.

Flashcards are an old game that children play to learn. Using French words on the flashcards will help them say the correct words but to also learn how to properly spell them and read the words as well. Immersion has long been understood to be the best and fastest way to learn words of another language. Engaging in actual conversations is going to help with proper pronunciation too.
Outdoor games can be done in the same way. Baseball requires the counting of strikes, runs and outs. Count in French and encourage all the children to do so. Have some fun by yelling your favorite encouragements for your team, only doing it in French this time. Anytime learning can be made fun and experienced as a family so that it is a game and not feel like homework, you are on the path to real lifelong learning.


Monday 12 November 2012

Learning French Language

If you are looking for ways of learning French Language, then you’re at the right track. Language is the key for human beings to communicate. Communication is an integral part of the society. Going back to the start of the human race, we have always tried to find ways on how to communicate. Our ancestors even wrote these communicated languages in different forms like the hieroglyphics to save these important moments. But why is communication important?

As our society grows, so is the ways we communicate. Our language grew differently apart based on our location on the planet. English is the international language that we have right now. However, learning the French language is not that bad of a deal. Learning a new language is said to increase your intelligence. Also, learning French is a very good investment if you are planning to take vacations to Europe, especially in France. There are so many countries that have French as its first or even secondary language. French is the first language in France, Wallonia and Brussels, Monaco, Romandy in Switzerland, other countries in Africa, the Acadia region in Canada, and by various countries all over the world.

So, if you are planning to travel the world, French is one of the key languages you NEED to learn. Learning the French language is not a boring activity. The French language is very interesting. As it has its roots from Spanish and Italian languages, French is a flowing language that is very smooth in the ear. Many of the French words originated from the Vulgar Latin and were constructed from Latin or Greek roots.

As discussed above, one of the advantages of the French language is its use all over the world. With so many people speaking it, you can communicate with most people as well. If you are going to choose a second language to learn, French is a very practical language you can use. Next to English, French is one of the most popular languages in the world.
For parents who want to have their child learn another language, they should keep some keynotes in mind. For whatever your reason is for choosing another language for your child, you must also be able to determine the best language to learn. There are so many advantages in making your child learn another language, one is for travelling. However, there could be perks like interviews in college admissions. If you think that is still far from the future, then you are wrong. Children learn faster than adults. Even babies can recognize a different language from another.
Selecting a secondary language is like picking a class. So, you should focus more on the benefits that this language would give you. You must also take in mind that enjoying the class would deeply help your child in learning this new language. French is an intricate but fun language to learn. There are also differences in the letters that they use. So, if you are interested in learning the French language, you must get the best coach to help you with that.



Sunday 4 November 2012

How to use learning resources imaginatively

Learning french can be a tricky subject, especially because the words and phrases are completely different from the English language. However, it's possible to actively engage learners to learn French by using learning resources imaginatively.  Rather than taking the typical classroom approach, you could always use props or activities to help you learn French. The human mind benefits the most from learning when it's able to actively engage with the activity. Sometimes traditional classroom approaches are boring and don't engage the students to interact with what's being taught. With that said, here's some great tips for learning French through learning resources.

Firstly, try making a deck of cards with English sentences or words on them. These should be words that you already know, or that your students already know. You could play a game where you randomly select a card and choose a student to say that word or phrase in French. Equally, if your studying on your own, then write down words and phrases that you know in French, but use the equivalent terms in English. Flick through the cards, select a random one and speak the English word/phrase in French. If you do this regularly, you'll soon begin picking up fluent English/French translation and your ability to speak French will greatly improve.

Typically speaking, the human mind benefits the most from visual aids, as opposed to hearing somebody say it out loud. As such, you should always try and use visual aids wherever possible. You could for example, invest in computer software which teaches French through a program. They will usually speak the words or phrases and display the French spelling of those words - which will let you get an idea of how to pronounce it, and spell it.

Learning French through using French learning resources can be a great way to get engaged.

French Learning Resources

Monday 29 October 2012

Learning French For Kids Through Music

Are you aware of the fact that learning French for kids is easier when they learn the language through songs and music? The fact is that kids easily catch, memorize, and understand a song especially when they tend to sing it by heart. This will then allow them to have an attachment to the song, allowing them to naturally understand what they are singing.

In the tender years of a child, teachers and parents work hand in hand to teach children nursery rhymes and repetitive songs to the kids. By doing so, this will allow the kids to have a quick grasp of their language or native tongue. With this kind of technique, you will know that this is truly one of the oldest techniques imposed by many language educators even to these days.

And since children simply adore singing songs, they can easily memorize them even in just a short span of time. Because of this, learning a particular language through songs has become a favorite technique of children. As a matter of fact, it is considered by many language professionals as the most effective way by which one can learn a particular language.

The French language can be a very challenging thing to learn. Even when it is related to the development of the universal language which is English, both have distinct speech patterns, basic sounds, and syntax rules. Because of this, language experts consider learning French for kids can be easily done and achieved through songs and music.

One great advantage of learning a new language like French is that your voice used in singing is not as confined to your native tongue as is in your voice which you use for speaking. Because of this reality, you can easily tell that a singer mainly sings without following the accents of the given words or lyrics. Obviously, these lyrics or words are plainly recited as the song’s melody, diction, and meter require.

Because of the singing structure which is mainly different from speaking structure, it is much easier for everyone particularly children to learn a difficult language like French. When a child listens to a song and has decided to learn how to sing it, this would allow him to have an easier grasp of the language until such time that he is capable of understanding and interpreting the song word by word.

French actually comes with many different words and finding an occasion to use them frequently is hard. In this regard, when you sing a French song, you will have the best time singing them casually, allowing you to remember them most of the time. As of the students learning the language, it will be much easier for them to remember the words taught to them. And when the French language is taught through music or songs, it will be easier for them to recall.

So if you want your child to learn the French language, keep in mind that learning French for kids through music or songs is truly the best way for you and your child to do it.


Thursday 25 October 2012

Halloween in France

Halloween became popular in France in the 1990's, partly due to tourism and to the English people living in the country.

The children wore costumes and, pumpkins were carved and lighted up.
However, Halloween is not part of the French culture and the novelty soon wore off.
It is also a controversial festival, as this pagan celebration takes place just days before the traditional "All Saints Day" - La Toussaint.

Monday 22 October 2012

The Importance Of Teaching Children French

Since being able to speak different languages is a big asset, teaching children French is such a good thing to do. When you want your kids to learn the French language, there are several things that you should be doing. Getting the right tools and educational materials is very important because this is the first stage in learning the language the right way. You must create a good step by step learning plan in order for the kids to absorb and recall the lessons easily.

The primary thing that you need to do is to gather all the necessary and relevant materials that will help you with the lessons. Doing so will greatly help the children when it comes to learning the language. There are many teaching kits that you find whether online or in your local bookstores that are really good for children. You just have to be sure that the materials you are getting are effective and easy to learn. Comparing the materials can help you choose the best one to use.

Creating an environment that is suitable for learning is also important. You have to make certain considerations if you want to provide the best learning for the kids. Teaching children French is not that easy, but it is not that hard either. As long as you use the right approach and use the right materials, you will definitely be able to provide the kids the best learning experience. Think out of the box because your kids have different needs. What might work for one child might not work on the other one. That is why you have to come up with new ideas every day. Make sure that your children will learn something new without forgetting the previous lessons.

Use visual aids like flashcards or posters. Kids are actually more visual. They find it easier to learn when they see a picture. The reason behind this is that children can easily associate a word or an action when they see it illustrated. It takes less effort for them to retain the lessons when you use appropriate visual aids. Aside from using visual aids, be interactive. Create fun activities that will involve your kids. Challenge them into playing games that is still connected to the French language. For example, you can do charades and act out the word so the children can guess it. Then you can also let them do the action so it could be more fun. Creating simple yet intellectual activities can really help.

Teach children the basics first. You do not want to bore them with advance lessons.
Start with the alphabet and then with the numbers. Once you are certain that they have mastered it, you can then move to the simpler words (animals, food, colours...). Theaching children French can be really fun and satisfying to do. When your kids grow up, it will help them boost their confidence as well as boost their chances of getting a good job. Being able to speak multiple languages is a plus factor, especially French. It can definitely add a certain appeal when a person speaks it fluently.

Flashcards with Pronunciation

Posters with Pronunciation

Saturday 20 October 2012


My weekly poem has been posted on the following page

It is an Halloween poem which I like very much. I hope you will too.

I also added 2 slang words. Have a great weekend.

Wednesday 17 October 2012

School Related Words in French

Children have been back at school for six weeks and the shelves in the shops are still full of school items. Maybe not so many schoolbags as they take lots of room.

The word schoolbag is relatively new. Until the end of the 20th century satchel, was the term children used to describe the bag which carried their text books and their school supplies.

In France, however the word cartable has not lost its flavour, on the contrary it is now used when talking about a server online or a USB key ( le cartable électronique).

Monday 15 October 2012

Learning French Verbs - Don't let French Verbs Get You Down

If you happen to be learning French verbs then you have already realized that the verb system of the French grammar is considered as the most complicated. For those who do not know yet, the French grammar consists of twelve thousand verbs, each is being conjugated in a number of tenses. Additionally the verbs used in French language are also very notorious in terms of their spelling and irregular verbs. You may want to perceive that learning the French language is hard and daunting: the truth is you're right. The fact is that you have to undergo certain logic procedures and strategies in order for you to learn the verbs precisely.

There are four easy steps for everyone who has the heart and the interest to go learning French verbs.
They are easy and simple steps that will lead you to mastery and perfection when followed accordingly.

Get a French verb handbook.
The handbook is a very essential thing you need to have when you want to learn French verbs the fast and easy way. With the handbook, you will have the source on the different key verbs, the index that contains thousands of verbs such as model verbs, irregular verbs, etc. The handbook will also teach you different ways by which a particular type of verb is conjugated. So instead of browsing the internet for the French verb guide, it is still best to make use of the paper, the handbook so to speak.

Focus your attention to irregular verbs
When making use of the different tenses such as past, present, and future tenses, conjugation is highly required. Through conjugation, the form of the verb is being modified making it much easier for you to understand and memorize them. The same rule also applies to the different pronouns such as I, you, he, she, etc.

Focus on the major tenses
Based on your handbook you will see that there are sixteen tables designated for each verb. However, you will realize that some are rarely used especially when spoken. The tables can be downright confusing. It is advisable to get by at least four or five of them and that suffices. Keep in mind to learn the present tenses of French verbs because they are considered as the most flexible among all other forms of verbs in the French language.

Focus on the more commonly used verbs
You will learn from the start that French verbs consist of thousands and thousands of verbs, yet only less than a hundred are used in an everyday conversation. As a matter of fact, only nine irregular verbs account for about forty per cent of all the verbs used in an ordinary conversation. Such irregular verbs include être, faire, avoir, aller, dire, savoir, pouvoir, vouloir and devoir. In short, if you already speak a little bit of French, you would use or encounter these verbs frequently. Of course when you want to go learning French verbs, you want to make sure you're learning by heart.

Verb Posters with Pronunciation

French Slang Words

Le falzard - trousers

Women Clothing Pants Clip Art

Ex: Mets ton falzard


La bécane - bicycle

Bicycle Clip Art


Le gamin - child


La valoche - Suitcase


Le bahut - Sideboard

Ex. Ce vieux bahut


Un soupçon - A little

Ex. J'en prends un soupçon


La clope - Cigarette

Ex. Il fume sa clope


La bouffe - Food

Ex. Achète la bouffe


La flotte - Rain

Ex. Sous la flotte


 Rafistoler - To mend

Ex. Il rafistole son pantalon


Le pieu - The bed

Ex.  Je vais au pieu


Jaser - To gossip

Ex. Elles jasent toute la journée


Le barouf - the noise

Ex. Ils font un tel barouf!!


La loupiote - little light

Ex. Allume ta loupiote


La frousse - to be frightened

Ex. J'ai la frousse


Se bidonner - to laugh heartily

Ex. Je me bidonne


 Turbiner - to work

Ex. Il turbine toute l'année


Se balader - to go for a walk

Ex. Je me balade dans le parc


Se barrer - to leave/to escape

Ex. Je me barre tous les soirs


Déguster - to suffer

Ex. Ce que je déguste avec elle!!


Le pépin - umbrella



Le pif - nose


Le bouquin - book


La godasse - shoe


Le fric - money


Le canard - Newspaper


La bicoque - House



La nippe - Item of clothing


La bagnole - Car


Saturday 13 October 2012

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Vintage School Days

With old school books we rediscover the time of innocence!
Collecting old books is a passion of mine. I see it as keeping a link open with the past.

Looking back to the Vintage School Days, we can immediately notice how much has changed in the learning process. Going back several decades, the books were much more basic and compact. The pages were stuffed with small font's in order to cram as much information in as possible. In the Vintage School Days, there was little to no research about the human brain. Scientists did not understand how children learned, and how they could further improve their learning experience.

School Books from 1882 
Livret one

Livret two

These school books concentrate on Writing, Reading and Spelling
The books used in the Vintage School Days are remarkably similar to the ones still being used today though. In some French learning books, publishers understood that children would need to be engaged to benefit the most from their learning. As such, some old books have parts at the end where the children could draw objects or shapes. This would let them engage through drawing, while reading about the French language, and actively learning the language. 

As you can probably expect, the paper was low-quality material and almost brown colored in nature. Additionally, there was hardly any color print in books at all. Colored ink back in the Vintage School Days was extremely expensive, and neither schools nor publishers could afford to cover books from start to finish with color.

 This book is a Grammar book
 It is from 1955

It was used by children of 10 and 11 years old

As you can probably notice today, the ability to contrast between different colors in a book is a great visual aid.

 While times have changed, and learning resources have been more extensively developed for the better, some material from the Vintage School Days are still extremely similar to what we have available to us today.